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Registered office:
Via dell’Artigianato, 12
36042 Breganze (VI) Italy

Head office 2:
Via dell’Artigianato, 37
36042 Breganze (VI) Italy

Head office 3:
Via dell’Artigianato, 39/41
36042 Breganze (VI) Italy

Tel. +39 0445 300 177

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    Attach your project, if available, in DOC, DOX, TXT, PDF, STEP, DWG, DXF or ZIP format
    (if you need to send more than one file or its size exceeds 8M, compress it and send it in zip format)

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    I consent to the processing of personal data according to the privacy policy.

    Contact us

    Contact us to request a quote, our team will be happy to help and support you in the creation of your products.

    TECNO MECC S.r.l. | Registered office: Via dell'Artigianato, 12 - 36042 Breganze (VI) Italy | Head office 2: Via dell'Artigianato, 37 - 36042 Breganze (VI) Italy | Head office 3: Via dell'Artigianato, 39/41 - 36042 Breganze (VI) Italy | Tel. +39 0445 300 177 | Email: | P.I. 02398680245 | Codice SDI: J6URRTW | Registro Imprese di Vicenza n. 30720 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 98.800,00 | by Evisole Web Agency | Sitemap‎‎ | Privacy policy | Cookie policy